In 8, you select PK3, then settings > config> manual download, which opens the PK3 folder and you select the FW suite to install. And then put that in my MPLAB 8 PK3 folder (where there already resided an older version). Unzip it with WinZip to extract the more recent PK3FW_01.xx.xx.jam file. So I had to find the PICKIT3.JAR (something like that) file in the PK3 folder in X.

So this is one really stupid sounding way to do it. There is a way to manually download the firmware suite if the autodownload fails. Is it absolute horseshit that this isn't explained in some easily accessed document or even Microchip PK3 forum sticky/FAQ? Yes, I think it is complete and utter horseshit. Each time you do that, it repeats this fail all over again. You plug the device in, hit connect, it downloads new firmware, but it is broken. And there are some conflicts where if the fw suite on the PK3 and IPE/X do not match, the autoupdate between device families will repeatedly fail. 01.40.xx is the most recent one in the latest X/IPE (AFAIK). Even recently shipped PK3's are coming with 01.29.xx, and 01.34.11 was the firmware suite with the two year old X/IPE 2.26. The PK3 will come with a certain JAM/FW suite preinstalled, which is most certainly not up to date with your version of X.

This firmware suite is different between versions of X/IPE and it is stored as a jam file, and in MPLAB X the jam file is further zipped in a JAR file in the PK3 folder. The firmware image, which you do not need to change. Although the PK3 supports programming PIC10s through to the new PIC32MZ, switching OS and AP profiles is slow and more complicated than it should have been (especially with backwards compatibility problems) IMHO this firmware switching rubbish is big PITA. I had to install MPLAB IDE first in order for the PICKIT3 to be recognized by MPLAB X. I bought a PICKIT3 through Farnell 1 year back, and it still had this firmware. I'm pretty certain MPLAB IDE and MPLAB X share the same OS firmware, but MPLAB X doesn't work/connect with the really old OS'es. There is also a revert OS button, but that obviously requires a connection first. From memory both will download a seperate PICKIT OS to work with them. On the bottom of the page you also have the "Stand Alone Programmer App v1.0" and "Programmer App v3.10". You can download the older software packages from and go to "Downloads Archive" tab. Some ancient versions of PICKIT3 firmware only work with the also ancient MPLAB IDE (not MPLAB X).